Wednesday, August 20, 2008

A Rabbi's Penetrating Question

Ever wonder what it might take for the world to consider the church interesting again? Sure, we can offer "contemporary" worship, buy billboards, have great kids' programs, and a cutting edge website. I am willing to go on the record as being in favor of all these things, by the way. I'm also willing to say that none of these things are capable of capturing the interest, let alone the hearts and minds of an unbelieving world.

I came across this question today by a Jewish Rabbi, Zalman Schachter-Shalomi. Surveying the American political-religious scene, Rabbi Schachter-Shalomi wants to know...

Why is it that people like President Bush, who pledge allegiance to the teachings of the master from Nazareth, ignore the teachings of lovingkindness, of feeding the hungry, of taking care of the sick?

I know some will resent the question even being asked, but President Bush invited such question every time he used his Christian faith to ingratiate himself to the electorate, not to mention the day he acknowledged the Lordship of Christ. We will reasonably ask the same questions of Obama or McCain

If he were to follow those teachings in relationship to health, education, and welfare and follow the tenet that “blessed are the peacemakers” rather than produce the greatest number of weapons of mass destruction on earth, I would believe his religious commitment.

... Someone who simply takes doctrinal clues, rather than those that arise from compassion, will not know what to do in the voting booth.

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