- Why start a blog?
- Why start this particular blog?
- Why the name Ipsissima Vox?
What the world needs now is just one more blog, right? Well, not exactly. There are millions of blogs on the web, covering every subject imaginable. Web logs on religion and faith are like Baptists -- there's seemingly one hiding behind every bush (no offense intended). So why begin another?
I'm beginning this blog in the hope that it will be an effective tool for generating reflection and open discussion among the friends and members of Peachtree Christian Church. We have precious little time for thinking together about the Faith. Maybe this blog will help provide us more opportunity for careful consideration of life together in Christ. Maybe it will also help us somewhat overcome our urban and suburban sprawl. Blogs allow people who can't literally gather together (or who can't gather easily) to join in a discussion despite their lack of proximity. As a church located in midtown Atlanta, Peachtree Christian Church knows all about the challenges of being spread across a large city. One goal of this blog is to bring us together through the sharing of ideas, insights, questions and encouragement. Along these lines, the blog is supplemental to our LIFE Groups (small groups devoted to fellowship and Bible study).
Some may question the suggestion that a blog can "bring us together." They make a good point. Virtual community is no substitute for actual community. So (though it really shouldn't have to be said) let us continue to meet together without fail each week: celebrating Holy Communion, working together on various ministries, encouraging each other, occasionally even exasperating each other, but always struggling by the power of the Holy Spirit to become the sort of alternative polis that reflects the image of Jesus to the world.
The phrase "Ipsissima Vox" (which is Latin for "the very voice") is used by Jesus scholars to describe a saying which, though it is presented in the gospels or other sources as the very words of Jesus is probably more like a paraphrase, or a summary of the type of thing Jesus said. Sometimes we don't have his exact words, but we can still hear his voice. The gospel writers didn't employ the precision of modern historians, but they did give us the gist, a reflection of what Jesus said - and it is enough. Ipsissima Vox. His very voice.
May we be led by the Spirit, informed by the Word, and guided by tradition -- so that what we share with each other on this blog will reflect and honor the very voice of Christ.
Ipsissima Vox.
No small hope.
Admirable goals, brother. And a lovely benediction. Here's to your (our) success at eliminating some of the barriers physical distance creates.
Good subject to start with. I just got back from loading up some furniture and clothing for the Thai family. Of all the hooplah Madison Ave. throws at us about how to be happy, I have found true happiness in giving to people who really need it. Now I know why Tiff insisted that I haul that old couch back from Clemson when she graduated.
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