"In the beginning God created human beings in his own image, and we've been returning the favor ever since." I'm not sure who said that, but shut up!
Tough as it is to be told that we often create God in our own image, I suppose it's true. It's probably true of everyone, including Christians. We Jesus followers seem to be in a never ending struggle against "creeping totemism." You know what totemism is; it's a system of belief centered around a totem. Duh. A totem is a representation of an animal or object thought to possess those attributes that a clan or tribe most appreciates in itself. If the clan cherishes wisdom, the owl may be the totem. Wise as an owl. If power or majesty are cherished traits, the eagle or lion may be the totem. Soars like an eagle or strong as a lion. You get the picture.
I've never seen a totem pole in person. Sure, I've seen pictures of them in books and on TV, but never in real life. As a kid I always imagined them to be about the size of an average human being, maybe a little taller. The first time I ever saw a cigar store Indian I thought it was a totem pole (Is that politically correct? 'Cause I'm all about political correctness). When I finally saw a picture of people standing next to a Native American totem pole I was shocked. It was at least twice their height, a broad heavy thing. Mysterious, colorful, imaginative. People obviously put a great deal of energy and devotion into the making of their totems. Problem is, with a totem they end up worshiping a representation of themselves - powerless to protect. "God is not man said in a loud voice" (thank you, K. Barth).
Hopefully this will not come as a surprise, but the Bible takes issue with all that stuff. God did not create us in His own image so we would return the favor. It seems recently, however, many of us have been doing just that - fashioning a Jesus that looks strangely, well, like us. Compile the traits and values that Americans admire. What is on the list? We certainly commend those on top, people who bring something to the table. People whose hands are full, not empty. Winners, not losers are the stuff of Americana. Ladders are for climbing; any fool can see that. Climb or be climbed over. That's how we do it. It's how success is made. It's how we make ourselves. It's the rugged individualist. Applause is for the strong. He is the man who needs no help. She is the Type A who cannot be stopped.
Maybe the recent election got to us or maybe our misplaced investment in this world's power struggles brings what is already there to the surface. In any event, when Jesus begins to sound more like a CEO than a Galilean peasant, when he sounds like Nancy Pelosi or Rick Santorum, or when Jesus is wrapped in the flag or if he's burning one, I begin to wonder if we haven't taken our most cherished traits, attributed them to Christ and set him up on a totem pole of our own devising. Derek Webb is certainly on point with his song, A King & A Kingdom:
"There are two great lies that I have heard: 'the day you eat of the fruit of that tree, you will not surely die' and that Jesus Christ was a white, middle-class Republican. And if you want to be saved you have to learn to be like Him."
Jesus was a Jew. He was poor. He loved God. He had almost no stuff. He live the ethic of the Sermon on the Mount. He did not put his family first. He loved his enemies. He prayed for his persecutors. He welcomed sinners. He inexorably pursued outcasts. He refused to draw the sword and forbade it of his followers. He chose death over a violent self-defense. All you politicians who are born again, put that in your campaign ads. You'll get my vote.
(Wendy and I are going to see Derek this Sunday evening at Eddie's Attic in Decatur, btw. Here's a link for tickets. Come join us!)
As my hero Ronald Reagan used to say, "There you go again." Christ is not a white middle-class Republican, nor is he Barak Obama as Derek Webb and the mainstream media imply. God said worship Me first and secondly don't worship yourself or anybody else.
God came to us in the form of Jesus and then ascended back into Heaven so that there would be no totem or relic or bones to worship.
The fact is that God is God. That is what His name says and we are just going to have to deal with that fact.
Haha! Lamar you are the best! I do wish you'd listen to Derek Webb. His message is all about King Jesus. He sure as heck doesn't think Christ is a Democrat.
What do you think about my idea for a campaign ad? Would you vote for that candidate?
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